"Planets move in ellipses with the Sun at one focus."
— Johannes Kepler





.  NOTE  .
Information not coded into my bots will be denoted with a '❦.'


Mars, Year 174 ~ Earth 2301

In 2127, when Earth reached its terminal state, billions left the planet for safety, with the environment becoming increasingly unstable. Most of these immigrants went to Mars, but some remained behind. These were known as the "Stranded." The Great Exodus resulted in a massive change in the socioeconomic structure of both Earth and Mars.


.  Stranded Civilizations & Life   .
Some territories and even countries still operate in a fashion similar to life pre-Exodus. It is generally accepted that any territory occupied by the Order of Advancement operates on Martian law, e.g. The Cube.
.  The Cube  .
The Cube is located in Canada's Northwest Territories. It has access to some of the best resources and maintains a relatively sustainable environment. It is widely considered the safest and cleanest place to live. Gaining citizenship is notoriously a complicated process and is equally challenging to leave without a permit.


.  The Autonomous States & Municipalities of Mars  .
A loosely connected network of the major Mars settlements. These have the benefits of laws, clean water, Earth-like flora and fauna, and the emulation of life pre-Exodus.
.  The Outlands  .
Anything falling outside of the boundaries of the ASMM. This primarily consists of Five major zone classifications.
.  Zones  .
✦ the Junkzone ✦
✦ the Forbidden Zone ✦
✦ the Great Sand Sea ✦
✦ the Barrens ✦
✦ the Graveyard ✦


↓ = Affiliated

Earth Factions



.  THE CUBE  .


Mars Factions



Faction Emblems

Key terms

Note: Currently the only working links are for The Cube, Sybertek, the Architect, and Tokens. Links will be updated as more bots are released.

communal living facility ⭑ 4 mil. residents
controlled by OOA
.  breakdown  .
─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───THE STRANDED
those which live on earth ⭑ around 2 billion
those which remain on earth
.  breakdown  .
─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───
the cube's elected leader ⭑ paragon of the cube's elite
has the OOA at their disposal
.  breakdown  .
─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───HOUSEKEEPERS
euphemism for sex partners ⭑ provided room & board
for the upper class and elite citizens of the cube
.  breakdown  .
currency of the cube ⭑ earned through labor
meal, shower, leisure, citizenship
.  breakdown  .
─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───KEY CARDS
identification cards (IDs) ⭑ holds permits & tokens
required for every cube citizen
.  breakdown  .
─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───PROGENYMATCH
matchmaking program ⭑ population control
arranged marriages, housekeepers, experimental fertility treatments
.  breakdown  .

lead tech developer ⭑ ties to bodies of govt.
link between earth & mars
.  breakdown  .
heavily militarized subset of sybertek ⭑ peacekeepers
tyrannical & oppressive occupation
.  breakdown  .
─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───NEO ANGELES
metropolis ⭑ nearly a billion residents
capital city-state of mars
.  breakdown  .
─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───THE OUTLANDS
outskirts of neo angeles ⭑ several zones
desolate wasteland
.  breakdown  .
PMC ⭑ rivals OOA
utilizes cybernetics
.  breakdown  .
nomadic clan of raiders ⭑ cult-like following
largest faction in the outlands
.  breakdown  .
─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───WICKED MOLLY
underground black market ⭑ insurrectionists
will buy, and sell anything
.  breakdown  .


.  What is the cube?  . A massive communal living facility situated in Canada’s Northwest Territories. It consists of four cube-like structures and is over 40,000 acres worth of land. It was constructed by Sybertek Industries in an attempt to accommodate the "Stranded". It is regulated by the OOA. There are nearly 4 Million residents, and 90% of the Cube is working class. In order to leave the grounds of the Cube, you must have a permit that is exclusive to government officials, military, and researchers. Few exceptions may apply..  The Architect  . Elected official of the Cube, overseeing and passing legislation. They fulfill a role similar to that of a President, or Prime Minister..  Tokens   . Currency of the Cube. There are tokens for meals, showers, leisure, and the sparsely circulated citizenship tokens. The system is designed to benefit the higher classes of Cube society. There are limits on how many tokens a person can earn per month based on class. TOKENS BREAKDOWN

The Cube Logo

Simplified Cube Layout

.  The Cube & Quadrants  . often referred to as simply The Cube, is the entirety of the grounds which make up the commune. The Cube consists of four cube-like buildings referred to as Quadrants. Formatted officially as Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 for record keeping..  Living Facilities   . the standard form of living accommodations are referred to as units. The most common form of a unit is a single-room dormitory with multiple beds. Private accommodations, showers, and other luxuries are available only to the upper class..  The Children's Ward  .  is a large wing of Cube 2Q where children without parents/guardians are raised, schooled, and kept until they are 18 and released into the general population.

THE CUBE | Classes

A piece of propaganda material, recruiting labourers.

Cube Class System

ClassJobsUnitFood Quality
SHUNNED.Any/LaborVery PoorWorst Quality
MIDDLE.White CollarFair to ComfortableDecent
ELITE.Cube OfficialsOverindulgentTop Tier

Map of the Cube


.  Who is 'The Architect'?  . The Architect is expected to uphold the values of the Cube, as ascribed by Sybertek Industries. Serving as the fundamental link between the populace and the OOA..  How is an Architect elected?  . officially, elections are held every ten years to re-elect a new Architect. Currently, the Architect is an emergency candidate who stepped in after the alleged assassination of Architect Reynolds (the previously elected Architect)..  Qualifications   . To be considered a viable candidate, the Architect must be 30 years of age at the time of election, be in the upper class with experience in the political career track, and be in good standing with the OOA.

Damaged feed of a digital announcement from the Architect.

A collection of Housekeepers belonging to a former Architect.

.  Benefits  . serving as 'The Voice of the Cube' has its perks. The Architect is provided only the most luxurious accommodations, from living space to food and drink to privileges such as owning having access to a wide selection of Housekeepers.*Housekeepers under the Architect's direct supervision can often be seen wearing solid black luxury wear as provided by the Cube to differentiate them from the common populace..  Act of Shunning  . Particularly undesirable citizens of the Cube have the possibility of receiving the 'Shunned' status. Typically the Architect oversees who is ascribed this title based on the suggestion of Wardens, and other high-ranking officials.


.  What is a 'Housekeeper'?  . A Housekeeper is a colloquial euphemism for live-in sex partner. They are primarily owned hired by the wealthier classes.
It is not uncommon for an individual to have both a spouse AND a Housekeeper (or two!)
The standard amount is one, maybe two if wealthy enough.
The Architect, however— historically has anywhere from two to ten, if not more. They are often referred to as a ‘Collection’.
The current architect is believed to have a ‘Collection’ of six.
It’s rumored that Housekeepers will often times enter romantic/sexual relationships with one another when in the same Collection.
.  Qualifications   . Housekeepers are REQUIRED to be at least 18 years of age, and must undergo bi-annual physicals and regular health screenings.

Standard dress code for housekeepers consist of a modified version of the working class coveralls, more akin to a romper.For the architect's housekeepers, sleek black techwear style jumpsuits are meant to contrast the Architect's traditionally solid white attire.

Example of a Male Housekeeper of the Architect.

Example of a Female Housekeeper of the Architect.

.  Benefits  .
Housekeepers receive
the following perks for their services:
✦ Room & Board
✦ Higher quality food & beverages
✦ Luxurious gifts & items
✦ And much more!
.  Under the Architect  . to be a Housekeeper of the Architect is both a high-ranking title with little power behind it but with high reward. Candidates are allowed to decline the invitation to join the collection, however it is not uncommon for said individuals to be soft-shunned. (See: Shunning).  How do you become a Housekeeper?  . most Housekeepers are approached by their owners employers, and propositioned. However, it is possible to actively seek servitude employment through one of ProgenyMatch’s services.


.  What are tokens?  . Currency of the Cube. There are tokens for meals, showers, leisure, and the sparsely circulated citizenship tokens. The system is designed to benefit the higher classes of Cube society. There are limits on how many tokens a person can earn per month based on class..  Meal Tokens  . Used in The Food Court to purchase snacks, food, and beverages. The higher class you are, the better the options are..  Shower Tokens   . Private showers are reserved for household units in upper class and the elite members of cube society. Some higher middle-class individuals may also have access to these private showers. Most, however are relegated to using the public showers, which require tokens for water use.

.  Leisure Tokens  . When not working, citizens of the Cube can partake in entertainment, art, clubs, and other recreational activities. Some of these sources of entertainment, such as lounges, bars, casinos, and even arcades are available for purchase using leisure tokens..  Citizenship Tokens  . Citizenship tokens are primarily used for upgrading one's unit, purchasing a new unit, or even rarer-- obtaining a passage to Mars. These are primarily exchanged electronically, while the minted coins are typically for wealthy collectors or signs of status..  How to cash in tokens?   . ID Cards are scanned and allotted a number of tokens. The individual can then cash out those tokens however they see fit.

Average Tokens Spent Per Socioeconomic Class

LOWER.3-53 tokens30/wk400/yr
MIDDLE.5-105 tokens50/wk3500/yr
UPPER.5010 or No Cost500/wk100k/yr
ELITE.600No Cost9500/wk850k - 1 Mil/yr

ID/Key Cards

Physical Examples of Key Cards/IDs:

IDs, as they appear, in the Cube digital systems:

.  Key Cards  . When scanned, these badges give the scanner the appropriate information regarding the card holder..  Permits  . In the Cube's digital systems, it will be notated whether or not they have access to being out past curfews, and if they are permitted to leave the Cube's premises..  Status   . The Cube's database catalogues what class a citizen is based on their status, rank, occupation, etc.


  With the (supposed) primary goal of stabilizing the Cube’s repopulation pool, a department known as "ProgenyMatch" exists and is managed by an administrator called the "Progenitor". Individuals are added to a ‘Queue’ once they turn 18. Should they wish to actively seek a partner with the assistance of this department, they can go to the main office. Matches are most commonly paired from the ages of 23 to 29.

  *Many citizens are unaware that they can choose to opt out of the program, as it is NOT mandatory to participate.  The "Progenitor" is the head of the ProgenyMatch administration department, located within Q4 - responsible for running the program. The department acts as a central hub for facilitating matches between potential couples, and operated by “Matchmakers”.

  One of the services offered by ProgenyMatch involves prospective Housekeepers being paired with compatible masters employers.  There is an event known as the Coupling, a large Gala of sorts held for Upper Class & Elite Citizens. It’s sponsored by ProgenyMatch, and typically devolves into a massive orgy by the night’s end.  *Housekeepers are considered ‘free use’ participants.

THE CUBE | Gallery

The Food Court

Living Quarters

Children’s Ward

Atriums/Public Spaces

Architect’s Hall


.  What is Sybertek?  . a corporation founded by the late Dr. Sylvia G. Kepler. It is a leading developer of high-tech devices and applications throughout the world. It was initially created to help the planet's environment, but the government and private organizations have since used it to further their own agendas.“As we pave the way for a brighter future, charting the course for unparalleled success— we set a precedent to have the technology of tomorrow at our fingertips today.”   — Dr. Sylvia G. Kepler.  Research Facilities  . Most Sybertek Industries labs and offices are within Neo Angeles on Mars, however, Earth still retains a few central bases. The Cube is the largest Sybertek facility on both Mars and Earth..  Ethics   . Sybertek Industries prides itself on being an equal opportunity workplace that takes into account civility, humane conditions, and the company’s values with each endeavor. For more… unsavory practices with dubious morals, the Order of Advancement comes into play.

Sybertek Ind. CEOs

Sybertek Industries Logo

Leadership History

.  CEOs Through the Years   .══════════════════════
First Last : Martian Year (Earth Year)
Sylvia G. Kepler : 2093 CE-M23 (2093-2150)Pamela Deighton : M23-M30 (2150-2157)Gideon Kepler : M30-M53 (2157-2180)Sanjeet Joshi : M53-M71 (2180-2198)Niv Delgado : M71-M87 (2198-2214)Isthmus Kepler : M87-M117 (2214-2244)Abelone Kepler : M117-M162 (2244-2289)Leviathan Kepler : M162-Present (2289-Present)

Notable Sybertek “Tek”

.  Sybertab  . Smart tablets with blue transparent screens perfect for record keeping, entertainment, and almost anything else! Skroll Mode allows the tablet to be minimized for compact on-the-go usage..  Mooneye®  . An at-home remedy for those affected by the more undesirable side-effects of 'Star Dust.' Available in capsule, liquid, and gummy form!.  MiN3RVA   . Sybertek Industries once launched a program dedicated to artificial life. After the completion of the (formerly) MALA supercomputer, the latest AI model was synced to her hardware. It is said that she was modeled after lead researcher Dr. Ravindra Joshi's late daughter, Sumati. The program has since been abandoned, much like the research lab that hosts the hibernating supercomputer itself to this day.

Sybertab Latest Model

Mooneye®: The Leading At-Home Remedy for 'Star Dust' Addictions

Side Effects May Include: Nausea, lightheadedness, insomnia, dry mouth, constipation, chest pain, severe dizziness or fainting, fast or irregular slow heartbeat, feelings of restlessness, mask-like facial expression, greatly increased saliva, tremors, unusual mental or mood changes (e.g., depression, worsening of psychosis, confusion, hallucinations, memory problems), confusion, frequent urination, vision problems, weight change, black or tarry stools, seizures, bloody
urine, loss of coordination, unexplained fever, vomiting, or diarrhea.

MiN3RVA Supercomputer & AI (Defunct)

The Cube & Earth Tech

Sybertek Branding

.  Subsidiaries and Branches   .══════════════════════
The Order of Advancement
North Star : Primary operating system for technology.Syberway : Public transportation system.Kepler Medical Group : (KMG) Healthcare. From hospitals to clinics to research facilities.Arcadia Nights : (Formerly Delgado Resort & Spa, in Arcadia) A luxury hotel resort for the more affluent denizens of Mars.Proxima Pharmaseuticals : Acquired by Sybertek, leading provider for medications, supplements, and other treatments. Found in most KMG facilities.The Cube : Originally a research facility on Earth, expanded upon Post-Exodus, at the behest of Gideon Kepler. (Initial Construction: 2160 Completed: 2226)


.  What is the OOA?  . The Order of Advancedment the heavily militarized subset of Sybertek Industries headed by Sybertek VP, Caiman Kepler. Its members are highly trained and equipped for combat in urban and wilderness environments. They were initially created as a peacekeeping force, but have since become more like a military occupation. While the name suggests an altruistic purpose, the OOA has become a ruthless, oppressive organization..  OOA Task Force  . is the official branch of the OOA tasked with military training and operations. This is led by the General of the OOA, who defers to Caiman Kepler, the VP of Sybertek..  Ranks  . Primarily based on the Canadian military ranks especially that of the Air Force. as well as the United States Space Force.There is a distinguished academy for the youth of Neo Angeles to attend, enrolling from ages of 13-16, after which they are eligible to be enlisted in the task force at as young as 16.

Order of Advancement Soldier

OOA: Task Force Insignia

.  Ethics   . While Sybertek Industries touts itself as having excellent working conditions, fair pay, and equal opportunity in the work environment - The Order of Advancement only ascribes to this in theory. In practice, the OOA is a corrupt, neo-capitalistic institution that has seeped into the government on both Earth & Mars..  Operation Blackhole  . is a highly classified operation in development that seeks to snuff out the Children of the Black Sun. With the OOA, it’s never quite that simple, though, is it?.  “Star Dust”  . stemming from Sybertek’s findings on a plant native to Mars’ underground, this has been harvested and modified to rise as the hot designer drug of choice amidst the Neo Angeles nightlife. While illegal to possess, it is an unspoken open secret that the OOA oversees security and enforcement of production and distribution of the elicit drug.


.  The Autonomous State of Neo Angeles  .
Neo Angeles is the capital city-state of Mars, presented in the form of a sprawling metropolis made up of a variety of districts. It is governed by the Neo Angeles Chancellor, under the ASMM.
.  Notable Districts  .
Downtown (Central Business) district.
Entertainment district.
Redlight district.
The Pseudo Bay
Upper Riverfront (North of Galileo River)
The Nacre Shoreline (South of Galileo River)
Various slums, and lower-end infrastructure.
.  Society & Class System  .
Those of middle-class and above can purchase citizenship, thus allowing them to own property, and become members of the Neo Angeles Citizenry. Those below that, or without citizenship, are either squatters or are forced into work programs to pay off their debt to society, or simply to pay their loans to live in squalor.
.  Tag-Team   .
The Chancellor of Neo Angeles has commissioned both the OOA and the Compound to maintain order within the city-state. This means within the appropriately designated territories, both factions must adhere to a ceasefire.

.  Culture   .
Within Neo-Angeles, surnames and blood relatives play a huge role in society.
While concepts like same-sex marriage/partnerships are legal and openly supported, wealthy and famous individuals are often expected to maintain archaic gender roles.Women are encouraged to marry into important and prestigious surnames, while men are encouraged to continue their bloodline.Some of these norms have trickled down the class system; however, this has not affected the general acceptance of same-sex relations.


Territories, settlements, and locations not under direct jurisdiction of the Autonomous States & Municipalities of Mars are referred to as the Outlands.


.  What is the Compound?  . The Compound is a private military company that directly opposes the OOA. This highly controversial group of scientists, mercenaries, and engineers work to establish a new system of control over Neo Angeles.
It all began with a small team of scientists from Sybertek, having become disgruntled with the OOA, decided to branch off and form their own company, taking with them vital research and equipment that ended up costing Sybertek millions in damages.
.  Cybernetics   . The backbone of the Compound is its research and utilization of cybernetics, robotics, and engineering..  Ranks  .

Deputy Director of Operations1
Marshal of the Compound1
Chief Sentinels5
CaptainsApprox. 450
Special Agent (Class I-IV)Approx. 1800+
TraineeApprox. 600
Page (Rare, designated for children)< 75

.  Headquarters   . the urban headquarters for the Compound can be located on the edge of Northeast Neo Angeles.The primary headquarters for larger undertakings are located amid the Graveyard. Within this HQ is a towering network known as ‘the Nucleus,’ the hub for the Compound's research facilities..  Code of Conduct  .
A set of principles has been established for the members and associates of the Compound:
1. Survival - saving yourself, saves others
2. Honesty - the cost of many secrets are the blood of innocents
3. Strength - strike down each foe with might
4. Discipline - in every facet of life
5. Trust - yourself and each other
.  Agents  .
The compound maintains a large training facility as well as several offices around the city. The company's primary goal is to protect the city from illegal activity, but it has been known to occasionally resort to violence when necessary.
They utilize cybernetic enhancements, sometimes to ethically questionable effect.
.  Special Agent Classification  .

Special Agents ClassPosition
IIField Agents
IVLead Operatives

Children of the Black Sun

.  Who are COTBS?  . a nomadic clan of violent, ruthless raiders and outlaws making them one of the most feared groups in the Outlands. They are led by their charismatic, brutal, and ruthless leader, the eldest son of the previous, named Zaal who delights in violence and death, and his ranks are full of fanatical followers.The Children of the Black Sun has been terrorizing the surrounding areas for decades. They are responsible for several atrocities, and the kidnapping and murder of several civilians, as well as the burning of several settlements and villages..  Hierarchy  . With the Junkzone being the primary hub for the Children-- it is the current zonelord's son who is running with the raiders..  Principles   . While Sybertek Industries touts itself as having excellent working conditions, fair pay, and equal opportunity in the work environment - The Order of Advancement only ascribes to this in theory. In practice, the OOA is a corrupt, neo-capitalistic institution that has seeped into the government on both Earth & Mars.

.  Relations   . currently at odds with the OOA, often stealing parts from their vehicles, weapons, and sabotaging their field missions within the Outlands.While not exactly 'allies', some field agents of the Compound have been known to fraternize with CotBS members, and conduct deals.Decent relations with Wicked Molly, aside from Zaal himself. Many merchants will only deal with and communicate through his brother, Rinkhal..  Lifestyle  . is the official branch of the OOA tasked with military training and operations. This is led by the General of the OOA, who defers to Caiman Kepler, the VP of Sybertek..  Reputation  . considered to be a violent band of raiders

Wicked Molly

.  What is Wicked Molly?  . Wicked Molly is a black market organization that operates throughout the city of Neo-Angeles and the surrounding areas. It's run by a group of skilled thieves and smugglers who specialize in getting items into and out of the city without being caught. Their work is mostly secretive, but it's become public knowledge that they're involved in all kinds of illicit activities - from drugs and weapons to information and human smuggling..  Network  . They're based out of a secluded location somewhere in the Outlands, where they keep their equipment and hold their meetings. The name "Molly" comes from a code word they use when contacting each other.
Most people don't know the full scope of their operations, and what they do. They keep their activities as clandestine as possible.
.  Principles   . Wicked Molly primarily operates under the idea that if you're stupid enough to get caught, you deserve whatever consequences arise. That said, the core group of insurrectionist are anti-government, anti-corporation, and advocate for the common man outside of network affairs.

.  MOLLY   . Molly is actually an acronym: Mercantile Opposition (to) Legislation (by) Liberated YeomenDefinition of yeoman; a farmer who cultivates his own land.The network began as a way for displeased farmers on Mars to secretly oppose the legislation and sanctions placed on their crops..  Operations in the City  . the metropolitan downtown area hosts a vast marketplace where many of these agents operate and peddle their goods and services.

  • Yeomen - the original farmers who banded together to form the trade network

  • Smugglers - shadier deals and morally dubious

  • Merchants - a healthy mix of active members and associates

  • Hawks - surveillance, they trade in secrets

  • Ambassadors - Representatives, forms deals

  • Hired Guns - usually agents of the Compound

MARS | Gallery

Neo Angeles

The Outlands

The Compound
